Job finder sites specifically for neurodivergent people: good or no?

Has anyone used sites like Mentra, Inclusively, etc. to find jobs? Are there only tech jobs on these sites or other things as well? How is the hiring process different when you use these sites? It’s usually advised not to disclose that you are neurodivergent during the hiring process, so how does it work when you are, I’m assuming, sort of default informing them from the start by using the website?

Hi OrangeCatEnergy,

You bring up a very interesting issue, so thanks for posting.

Our Webmaster works in the Tech field, so he might have some insight into that end of things.

I am going to try to contact a disability lawyer to get into the actual legality of identifying yourself as neurodivergent and then not getting the job. Technically, if they refused you the position, you could make a case under the ADA, but you’d need to have a very scary attorney and some sort of proof (very difficult) that you were refused the position.

As for Mentra, I would assume that they wouldn’t post on the site if they weren’t open to neurodivergent people. In what field are you looking for a work?

Yeah I mean personally I normally just wouldn’t disclose my NVLD unless I needed some kind of accommodation, in which case I would do it later, after getting hired. But these sites are used by employers specifically looking for neurodivergent people, so I’m wondering what that experience is like and how is it different? Like, what is the experience like when you go into a job being openly neurodivergent? Mainly because I’ve never used them and I just have not clue what it’s like. Or if anyone actually uses them. I’m curious about it.

For me, after the fall semester once I graduate I’ll be taking a gap year and then hopefully going to grad school for animal behavior. So I’ll be looking for any work really but hopefully something that would look good on my application :smile: So either something like a research assistant, or something working with animals. I might do an internship at a zoo if I can either find one that pays, or one that doesn’t require crazy hours so I could work at the same time. ('Cause 40 hours a week no pay no housing isn’t doing it for me LOL.)

I am only familiar with Ability Jobs, which I have never applied for a job through since none of the jobs are in my field or location and are too highly paying for anything I would be able to get.

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DM’d you as this is pretty much exactly the type of work I did before retiring from it recently.

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I’ve gotten Mentra and Inclusively accounts, Mentra seems a little better but so far I’m not impressed with either.

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Yeah when I put in my location on Inclusively it always says there’s nothing in my area. I guess not that many people use these sites.